13 May 2011

In the house of R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming

Without doubt this is the most insightful post about the Royal Wedding that I've seen. That hat deserves special attention. An apt description:
. . . a thing which was little more than a protoplasmic mass, from the body of which tentacles of every length and thickness flailed forth, from the head of which, constantly altering shape from an amorphous bulge to a simulacrum of a man's head, a single malevolent eye appeared.
. . . which also happens to describe a certain ancient unspeakable cosmic horror. Coincidence? I think not.

08 May 2011

Remembering Chris Hondros

For me this was the iconic photo of the Iraq debacle. It just said it all.

He was a superior, fearless, possibly reckless photographer. He also had the eye.

Here was a photographer who could attend to the details of composition and lighting, while conveying volumes with elegant simplicity, sometimes under fire and always under circumstances few can comprehend.

Excellent remembrance and photo montage from, of all newspapers, the WSJ.

Late update: the one piece of good news conveyed in the New York Times article about Samar Hassan, the poor unfortunate photographed above, is that the U.S. brass - all the way up to the Joint Chiefs - considered the photo to be a problem. Would like to think there were some sleepless nights in northern Virginia.

Later update: fixed the links.

07 May 2011

Justice delayed

The DOJ OPR were prevented from referring this piece of work to the Bar for disciplinary action - she received immunity in return for her testimony before the House Judiciary Committee. Fortunately, the Virginia State Bar have taken matters into their own hands. It's a start.

Meanwhile, John Yoo is back in the media, yet again, complaining that Obama killed Osama because Obama didn't have the cajones to torture someone whose name rhymes with his own.

And, Yoo's former go-to girl is doing quite nicely, thank you very much, sitting pretty in her appellate practice in a top-end Washington law firm.

02 May 2011

No comment necessary

Yes, a tad infantile. Sorry about that - but even Juan Cole posted it, so that makes it okay - speaking of whom, his "informed comment" on the topic is worth reading.

Late update: agree with Juan that the next step for Obama is to get us out of Iraq:
Now that Obama has eliminated the monster Usama Bin Laden and vindicated the capability of the United States to visit retribution on its dire enemies, he can do one other great good for this country abroad. He can get us out of Iraq altogether. The US military presence there is the fruit of a poisonous tree. It will always provoke Iraqi Muslim activists, whether Sunni or Shiite or secular nationalist. And it angers the whole Arab world.