24 March 2011

Does not compute

If there is one thing I understand less than people who lie to get us into a war it's the wilful delusion of those who are determined to keep us out of one.

I've lost count of the number of lefty-types on my tee-vee who just don't seem to give a shit what would have happened to the people of Benghazi had we not intervened. Strike that - I might understand if they just admitted they didn't give a shit - but it's worse than that: they continue to insist the people of Benghazi would have been better off without us.

One guy on 'beeb recommended we should leave Libyans to get on with their demonstratin' and remonstratin' unencumbered by our no-fly zone. I can only assume this is so they might present easier targets for Gaddafi's goons.

Makes my head spin.

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