08 January 2011

It was just a matter of time

Needless to say, this graphic has already been taken down.

I hope Gabrielle Giffords pulls through.

Burn in hell, Sarah Palin.

Here's some other morsels from our right-wing fellow country-men:

"I’ll tell you who should be tortured and killed at Guantanamo — every filthy Democrat in the U.S. Congress." — Sean Hannity

"To fight only the al-Qaeda scum is to miss the terrorist network operating within our own borders... Who are these traitors? Every rotten radical left-winger in this country, that's who." — Michael Savage

"Liberalism is the greatest threat this country faces." — Rush Limbaugh

"It is not a stretch to say that MoveOn is the new Klan." — Bill O’Reilly

"I'm thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I'm wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. No, I think I could." — Glenn Beck

"We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too." — Ann Coulter

"I don’t see any difference between [Arianna] Huffington and the Nazis." — Bill O’Reilly

"The Islamofascists are actually campaigning for the election of Democrats. Islamofascists from Ahmadinejad to al-Zawahiri, Oba -- Osama bin Laden, whoever, are constantly issuing Democrat talking points." — Rush Limbaugh

"There are things in life worth fighting and dying for and one of ‘em is making sure Nancy Pelosi doesn’t become the [House] speaker." — Sean Hannity

What a wonderful world.

Late update: The shooter appears to have been some kind of Sovereign Citizen, which I've heard described as a libertarian on steroids. Too much Ayn Rand, perhaps, but the key ingredient seems to have been being a total nut-job. It will be instructive to see how much the over-the-top rhetoric from the extreme right pushed him over the edge. In any case, it was sadly inevitable that someone like Shooter would come along, and the rhetoric from the likes of Palin and Fox News would be the soundtrack.

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