17 December 2012

Not fun for everyone

Getting drunk and driving 100 miles an hour is also fun, but it’s still illegal. Same with crystal meth. The point is there is a social cost to allowing recreational gun ownership, and gun owners need to acknowledge we are all paying a certain price for their entertainment. For those of us who never have and never will own a gun, it is most definitely not worth it.

15 December 2012

Sandy Hook

I continue to be amazed that people's commitment to orthodoxy, against all available evidence, comes before their commitment to their children. Consider our approach to global warming (and environment policy generally), birth control, the education system, social security, fiscal policy, gun control, etc. What binds these together is, basically, we really don't care about our kids all that much when it comes down to it, and this seems more true in America than in any other western society.

02 December 2012

Of Fiscal Cliffs and Talmudic Interpretations

Classic Josh, but I'm not sure he should leave the Jesuits out of this.